About Us
Ceiba Arbor is a collective of multidisciplinary QTBIPOC artists and urban farmers from NYC. Our collective is made up of descendants of immigrants and migrants, expanding from Southeast Asia to the Caribbean.
Despite our lack of generational wealth, we’ve built resilience through community in the face of displacement, homelessness and food apartheid. Over the past decade, we’ve nurtured a vision of a cooperative rooted in sustainability.
Our vision was seeded at a time where we ourselves had a dream beyond our tiny NYC communal apartments. The Ceiba Tree reminds us that growth emerges from humble beginnings. We too mirror a seed's expansion in our transition from concrete jungle to living in reciprocity with the land. We want to provide a brave space for others who seek this evolution for themselves as well.
In the words of Octavia Butler, “All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you.”